Making Masculinities: join us for an evening of short film and discussion
Bring a mate, the men in your life, grab a seat, and stick around for a panel discussion to share your thoughts with us.
What does it mean to be masculine today?
Young men face increasing pressures, grappling with toxic stereotypes and the “loneliness epidemic,” often feeling isolated and inadequate. Data shows that young men are veering to the right globally, underscoring the urgent need to address these issues. However, masculinity is far more fluid and diverse than commonly portrayed, and we invite audiences to reflect on these nuances through a broader, more intersectional lens.
Featuring short films from Glasgow artist Trackie McLeod, filmmakers Miles Warren and Campbell X, director and writer Daniel Bailey and others, Making Masculinities takes us on a journey through masculinity’s many facets.
The event encourages attendees to participate as men or people who identify in some way with masculinity, to bring friends with them, and to bring the men in their lives. Together we’ll have meaningful conversations about male identity’s positive and negative aspects.
Hosted by Take One Action, the Scottish Queer International Film Festival, and Pillow Talk Scotland, the screening will take place on November 22nd, right between International Men’s Day and this year’s 16 Days of Activism.
BEYOND THE SCREEN: Following the films, a panel and interactive audience discussion will further explore the themes presented. We’ll also be asking the audience to share their experiences, good and bad, of masculinity and your ideas about what positive masculinity looks like.
ACCESS: All films will have descriptive subtitles and we will have a BSL interpreter present for discussions. The CCA is wheelchair and mobility-aid accessible. More information can be found in the CCA’s Access Video.
📅 Date Change Notice:
Please note that this event was originally scheduled for November 29th but will now take place a week earlier on November 22nd.
We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd for an evening of films and discussion exploring the complexities of masculinity.
See you there!
Other spicy (and cuddly) events happening soon🌶️
The Science of ADHD: Navigating Neurodiversity in a Neurotypical World. 5 November, Edinburgh.
Menopause cafe. 6 November, Perth. Check the website for all other locations.
Imagining Digital Futures and Sexual Health. 8 November, Edinburgh.
Lecture: 'Committing Sexual Violence in 1920s Scotland'. 14 November, Edinburgh.
Making Masculinities. 22 November, Glasgow.
Sex Positive Reading Group (18+). 26 November, Glasgow.
Sensata. 28 November - 1st December, Glasgow.
Uncensored market. 15 December, Glasgow.
Santa’s Naughtiest List: a Sex Positive Pub Quiz! (18+). 19 December, Glasgow.